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The DAC Approach


Addiction is the learning of a relationship with a substance and it's role with in your life. By challenging that relationship and exploring, not just that relationship, but how it affects your values and the type of person you want to portray to the world... your relationship with that substance will naturally follow suit.  


Of course, you’ve been told, as we all have, that substance use is a disease for which you must seek medical treatment or join a support group—something that you may not want to do.

You see and hear this message in many places—in school, in the media, from government organizations, and from treatment providers. So you may not even ask yourself whether it’s accurate. But if you thought about it for a few minutes, you’d realize it just isn’t so.


Who is Daily Addiction Coaching (DAC) best suited for?


Daily Addiction Coaching is suitable for individuals who are embarking on their recovery journey, those who have found limited success with traditional counseling or support groups, individuals seeking additional support alongside their current program, or those who feel that their goals do not align with conventional treatment methods.


One advantage of this program is its flexibility. It caters to individuals with busy schedules, frequent travelers, or those who are unable to take extended breaks for residential treatments. The program is conducted through a smartphone, allowing it to accompany you wherever you go.


Need guidance on managing alcohol consumption at a work function?

Have questions about recent drug-related news?

Feeling tempted to have a drink on a rough day?


You can simply text your coach and receive real-time strategies. Since your coach remains in constant contact with you throughout the process, they provide personalized strategies tailored to your unique goals.


New research has shown that recovery is a daily process that works best while remaining in and dealing with your daily life, relationships and environment.



How does the program help overcome addictions?

There are 6 themes to the program.  Although these are presented as separate categories people will be

working in different categories and on different issues as they progress. 


  1. Self Reflection​

    • Assess the role the substance plays in your life.​

    • Better understand the habits involved in your substance use

    • Understand your view of your substance use

    • Provide new language and education providing a new perspective of substance use.

  2.  Rewards ​

    • Weigh  the costs and benefits of your use​

    • Focus on the positives of your use so that they can be replaced with healthy alternatives

    • Review additional rewards you would like to add in your life

    • Develop skills and encourage movement towards replacing unhealthy rewards with new healthy ones

  3.  Values​

    • Values provide a framework of the type of person you want to be and how to get there​

    • Review how substance use has played into your values in the past and for the future

    • Explore new values and the small changes needed to attain them

    • Look at what you care about in life and how to start to attain them. â€‹â€‹

  4.  Motivation

    • Explore what motivates you to move forward AKA what gives you positive energy ​

    • How to acquire self motivation and provide a new perspective.

    • How to use motivation to provide hope 

    • What is your ultimate motivation and how to use that to guide decisions.

  5. Resources​

    • Assess the resources you already have a what resources you currently lack​

    • Develop skills such as communication, problem solving, dealing with emotions and independence.

    • Review the strengths you currently have and how to expand those.

    • Explore your resources in: social relationships, employment resources, leisure activities and coping skill.

  6. Maturity

    • ​Self-efficacy: developing the expectation, tools, and experience that you can accomplish necessary and worthwhile things (“I am able”)

    • Self-acceptance: as you both recognize the good you have done and also become more realistic and modest about yourself and your accomplishments (“My life is worthwhile even if I am not a TV star, rich, or a great scientist”)

    • Responsibility: for your actions (“I am the source of my addiction and other behavior and of what I do about them”)

    • Obligation: to others (“Other people are counting on me”)


Grow Towards Your New Non-Addict Identity


Q: How is treatment successful over texts?


A: First off, this is a field I am passionate about and love, so I want this information to reach those who need it. 


Second, addiction should not be a 24/7 focus. I want you to stay within your environment and only take a couple moments a day to be mindful and provoke thought. This is where I will provide texts with check ins, reflective questions and mini tasks that will give gentle nudges toward your goals, all while keeping you accountable. 


Q: Should I attend my 12 step meetings, support group or government counselling while in the program? 


A: This is what's best....You decide!  I want you to get as much information as possible and make your own path that feels best to you and your goals. What this program provides is alternative information, ideas and language that you most likely would not hear in traditional treatment. I want you to hear all the information and not just the cookie cutter treatment. Most of all,  I want this to happen in real time as you live your life.


One thing I will guarantee is that those meetings, support groups and government sessions will sound very different once you are enrolled in the DAC program. 




The paradigm shift in treating addiction.

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Contact Me:

My office is located in downtown Edmonton, AB.



Please submit any questions via the website form or through my email.


Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm

​​Saturday: 8am - 10pm

​Sunday: 8am - 11pm

Thanks for submitting! I will be in touch soon. Check your inbox.

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